Not much has happened in my life since my last post. Well, nothing too different. Just like style recycles, events in life recycle too. The same things happen over and over again, but the names of those involved change!
Why do men put such a high premium on money and providing? I am thankful that it's important to them, but they take it to the extreme. If they make enough money to provide, then a woman is likely to hear she's not thankful or takes it and him for granted. If they don't make enough (in their eyes) to provide, then they, men, are willing to sacrifice a relationship because they don't feel adequate. When it comes to this issue, I can't seem to win.
Women are just as nuts too, but not about money. We can be so hard on one another. I have a wonderful friend, but she's really irritating me lately because all she wants to do is bitch about another friend. I listen, give suggestions, listen...
I can sympathize for a while, then something has to get done!! Confront the issues or shut up!
In both the man-money issue and the complaining friend issue I've been honest when confronted with them. I've told the man I'm not in the relationship because he has or does not have money. I've told the friend to confront the problem with the other friend or quit complaining. Hopefully they will both hear me. If they don't, I don't think I'll be spending too much time with either of them!