Speaking of life, mine has changed since Christmas. I was rereading my last two posts and thinking about how much things have changed. God truly does have a plan for all of us and when we trust Him all turns out as it should.
A year ago at this time I was newly divorced. Needless to say last holiday season was bittersweet for me. Well, this holiday season was also bittersweet, but again, with God's guidance, I've persevered. I've said this so many times, but it can never be said enough:
I have the BEST friends and family in the world!
I have reconnected with old friends, steady friendships have grown and developed, and I have new friends. Every single person in my life is here for a reason and God has placed them all here. My family, children, siblings, mother, nieces and nephews all play a part in my life. I am complete with them all sharing my life.
I promise to be more consistent with blogging. I just hope whatever I write will be inspirational to someone in some way. If nothing else, I know it will be for me!