Ok, I'm 50 and beginning the dating scene again. You'd expect me to be rusty and unsure, right? To my amazement, I discovered that it doesn't matter your age or sex, when it comes to dating everyone is unsure!!
This weekend my son and a friend were visiting me. I love my son, but I have also come to love his friends very much! They know I will treat them like one of my own children. Anyway, this young man, (26 yr. old) received a text from a young lady he's been seeing for about 3 weeks. We had discussed this new relationship just before he received the text. We had talked about the fact that he likes her, but is unsure how to proceed in the relationship. He talked about not liking to "play the game."
So, he receives the text and laughs. He says, "Ok, this is what I mean. She just texted me. How long do I wait before answering her?" I about fell off the couch! That is exactly what I think when I receive a text from the gentleman I've been seeing!
I asked the young man why he thought he had to wait. He didn't have a definitive answer. Thinking about it in context to him, I thought the whole thing was so stupid. Wait? Why? You're sitting there with your phone right beside you. Why should anyone wait before answering a text? Do you wait to answer your phone when it rings?
The whole thing is silly and frustrating! You want to talk to someone, but then your afraid to talk to someone? What? HUH?
As I laughed out loud, I explained to him that I'd been going through the same thing. I told him to answer her, don't wait. I am not waiting anymore. If and when I get a text from a new person in my life, I'm answering without hesitation. Why do we play "the game?" It's a ridiculous game. We're all so afraid of rejection we can't enjoy the simplest of things.
I am letting the people in my life, children, family, and new people in my life that I care enough to answer their text immediately!! ;)