Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do you like to be alone? Do you fear it? I've never feared being alone. Matter of fact I've always enjoyed my alone time and still do, but things are different. In the past I always knew someone would be returning, my alone time was temporary. But now it's just me. This is going to take some getting use to! I've got to learn to do things by myself and be ok with that.
I have great friends, but they are uncomfortable with my 'aloneness.' I'm always being asked if I'm going out with someone or would I like to go out with someone. I think this is because they, the friends, aren't comfortable with me being alone. I love them for it!
It's ok to be alone. We, women, do not have to have a man in our life to be fulfilled. Now, this doesn't mean I don't want a man, sometimes, but I am responsible for my fulfillment.

I am re-learning things about myself that I'd forgotten. I am also trying new things, slowly, but nevertheless, trying! I am going places, in public, by myself. It's "very in-ter-esting!"