Sunday, August 7, 2011

There are BIG changes happening! Last year at this time my life was turned upside down. Now things are changing again and my life is topsy turvy, again. I had no control last year and I don't now either. Whew!
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," "When a door closes, a window opens," "God never gives you more than you can handle." All these sayings are upper most in my mind, BUT I feel like I am not getting stronger, there are no windows opening, and I can not handle anymore!!
I know I need to trust God and His plans for me, but I am only human! I want to know how everything will turn out. I want to move forward with my relationships and work so I can see what these changes are bringing. I'm kinda wishing my life away! I need to sit back, have faith, and trust that God's plan for me is awesome!