The funny thing is that I WAS comfortable! I really was. My feet didn't hurt, I wasn't pulling anything away from or out of parts of my body!
Not only was I physically comfortable, but I was emotionally comfortable too. I was proud of the way I looked! People made several comments to me about how rested I looked, that I seemed to be in a good mood, and that the color of my dress was perfect for me.
I like the dress I wore, obviously or I wouldn't have bought it, but no matter how much I like it, if I didn't have inner confidence, strength, assurance, I wouldn't have been able to carry it off.
As I've stated before, I continue to work on these issues, but more and more I find that inner confidence, strength, and assurance. Do not give up on yourself!! I still have days of self-pity and days when I am very lonely, but I refuse to give up on myself. I try to keep busy, but I'm also finding that I can be comfortable by myself without being lonely. It's not always easy, but it is possible.
If you haven't seen the movie or read the book The Help, you need to.
"You is pretty." "You is smart." "You is important." These are words we all need to repeat to ourselves everyday!