I've confronted a lot of my fears lately. I'm stating my fears out loud, which makes me vulnerable, but it's been freeing! Trusting others with my own doubts and fears is scary; speaking my doubts to others is scary. BUT I/we have to do this to gain personal strength. We have to be honest all the way around.
One of the hardest things in all this is trusting someone else with what scares me. You're probably saying ,"duh" to that statement, but...
I challenge you to choose one thing you are struggling with, one thing that makes you vulnerable, and share it with someone. It doesn't have to be something huge. Speak it out loud, even if it's to yourself while standing in front of a mirror. (Sometimes that can be very hard!) I will bet that once you do it you'll feel a definite difference in your ability to breathe!! Trust yourself, God, and one other person!